Tuesday 23 December 2014

IN THE SPIRIT OF GIVING 2.................................

Good day everyone, as I said previously on the spirit of giving and admonishing everyone to put a smile on people's faces, making someone's dream come true  and I publishing these news on the events , I will like to recognize or rather publish the activity by a group of persons who visited the Red Cross Society Motherless and Abandoned Children home and they did put smiles on the faces of the children there. 
I want to say well-done to the Treasury Department of Rosabon financial services for visiting and taking along gifts item such as food items, Diesel for generator etc. donating this to the Motherless home as stated above.
They took the time out to play with the kids and made them so happy.

Well done. And don't forget Lori Bloggers , you can send in news on some laudable activities in the spirit of giving this season by sending me a mail. send to talk2lorisugar@gmail.com.
 I will post pictures of those events, not because I want people to celebrate these people but to make everyone know that it pays to give, remind everyone that in our little ways , we can put a smile on the faces of others this season and always.
What have you done to make someone's dream come true?

1 comment:

  1. abi oooo! life is not all about what I get... but much more on what I give... funny enough... it is more blessed to give than to receive...put a smile on somebody's face today... it goes a long way...that is really the reason for the season...


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