Friday 20 February 2015


Image result for heart broken manMy name is Simon and I am at a cross road in my life. I am torn between doing what I feel. I have been married for 3 years to a woman I have known all my life...literarily! We grew up in the same neighborhood, went to school together and fell in love, married and you know ....expecting the happily ever after. Until the day I caught my wife pants down making love with another man.
My life crumbled like a pack of cards as I couldn't believe that a woman , I love( who professes her love daily ) could do that to me. A woman I disvirgined , showed the way of the world, groomed and nurtured. She was on leave from the office for 2 weeks and I felt a sudden need to pamper her , i went shopping for some clothes and fabrics for her and wanted to surprise her by closing early and taking her out. I got home and met a strange car in my house but  felt probably her colleague from the office came to visit her. I let my self into the house and to my greatest surprise...i started hearing noises ( moaning) from the bedroom and i walked straight in to find my wife bent angularly and a strange man plunging into my wife from behind. In case you don't know what i meant , she was stark naked and bent in the doggy way and the guy was having a go at her...she was having sex with a man who is not me!!!!! I shouted because i thought i was in a dream and she immediately froze while the man scrambled away. Tears ran down my eyes cos if i was ever asked if i believed my wife could ever cheat on me i would have replied with a capital NO. But my angel, the love of my life, my heartthrob, my better half has just betrayed me. She started crying and begging but i walked out. I came back home that night and she started begging ....oh she cried! For one week , i couldn't look at her , i couldn't get the image out of my head. That position she was in when i met her will always be engraved in my head. She has been begging and i really love her but can i forgive her...yes i can but i cant forget it. I cant touch her, kiss her because she is tainted, she is used , she broke our marriage covenant and i don't think i can love her again.
Please advise me ....i am torn , i am broken. She still lives in my house but we don't sleep together , i haven't even asked her why? What for? We are strangers and the tension is high. What do i do...i cant bear to send her out of the house but she cant be my wife in the real sense anymore. What should i do? I need your honest advise pleaseeeeeeee!!!!!!


  1. its an horrible sight and I feel your pain. my advised is forgive her and move on. if you know you cannot forgive her then seek for separation instead of torturing yourself and her. usi

  2. That time you caught her, my friend. Think of all of the times that you didn't catch her. And, also, she never did doggy style with you.

  3. I so agree with the last comment. That position is bad!! Really think about all she may have done behind your back!!! Then make your decision.

  4. Move on it will never be the same,and be leave my when I tell that to here are so many women you can get with you'll forget her in know time😈

  5. Move on. Life goes on.

  6. All my life i have never seen anything that work so fast like Dr.Agbazara spell. I am from New Jersey and my name is Nicole after contacting Dr.Agbazara then i started believing in the saying that every coin has two sides. When my lover left me she sworn never to come back to me again but thank God that through the help of Dr.Agbazara i have my lover back to me within 48 hours and i will also want other people that are heart broken to contact Dr.Agbazara through these details below which are via email: ( ) or via Whatsapp on +2348104102662 then you can see the wonders of Dr.Agbazara


  7. I suspected my wife of cheating on me but I never had any proof. This went on for months, I didn't know what to do. i was so paranoid and decided to find a solution, i saw a recommendation about a (Great Matatan a powerful spell) and decided to contact him. I explained the situation about my wife to him and he said he was going to help me.I gave him all the informations he required and afterwards i received all my wife’s phones Text messages and calls, I was hurt when i saw a picture of my wife and her lover. I feel so bad about infidelity. but i am glad Great Matatan spell was able to help me get all this information, you can contact him via email ( . )guys you cant know all of this if you dont have a good spell caster like Great Matatan.

  8. I wish my partner was worth fighting for but she cheated on me, I didn’t realize until I came in of the truth,though it left an unforgettable scar in my heart,but i feel much better knowing whom i was married to.All thanks to 'hackingloop6@gmail . c o m' for their counselling and hacking service that helped me gain access to all my wife's phone activities remotely.I got a concrete evidence to file for divorce and helped increase my credit score she damaged, from 425 to 820 across all 3 bureaus without stress or any form of argument. I’m back to life and I would forever be grateful.Her sense of shame and remorse is enormous and I do realize how deeply she regrets what she did.I gave all i had to love,and lost all i wished for to love also .


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My name is Simon and I am at a cross road in my life. I am torn between doing what I feel. I have been married for 3 years to a woman I have...