Thursday 18 December 2014


54 soldiers have been sentenced to death by a Nigerian Court martial for refusing to fight Boko Haram Islamist militants.The soldiers, who were found guilty of mutiny, were accused of refusing to help recapture three towns that had been seized by Boko Haram in August.
A lawyer for the soldiers said the 54 would face a firing squad. Five others were acquitted.
Troops have complained that they are not being given enough weapons and ammunition to fight Boko Haram.
The group has been waging an insurgency since 2009 and is seeking to create an Islamist state in north-eastern Nigeria.
More than 2,000 people have died in attacks blamed on Boko Haram so far this year and thousands more have been displaced by the fighting.
The court martial began in October and was conducted behind closed doors. Military officials were not available for comment afterwards.
Defence lawyer Femi Falana said the soldiers were all accused of "conspiring to commit mutiny against the authorities of 7 Division, Nigerian Army".
All the soldiers had denied the charges and the sentence is subject to approval by senior officers.
In a similar case in September, 12 soldiers were sentenced to death for mutiny and the attempted murder of a commanding officer in the north-eastern city of Maiduguri.
This is so sad!!!!! Do you blame them for refusing? Why do you think they refused when they have sworn to protect Nigerian lives and properties?
They tried avoiding death at the hands of the terrorist group only to now a gruesome death!

1 comment:

  1. Descriptions of a universal soldier: Pledge to defend his country... to obey law and order without complain... ever ready to die and to save his fellow soldier during and after war... put the nation before self... don't molest civilians .... pay transport fare... they are adored by young children an willing to enlist because of the character of the officer... well iron say the least.

    Nigerian Soldier: I first..., brutalizes civilians, break law and order.. only a soldier by uniform not in mind and action ... don't pay trans fare in public trans because he is a staff....Nigeria should die in his place... reject go and fight order... represents personal interest... no youth aspires to be a soldier.. what an irony... they have to pay the supreme sacrifice ...that is what the constitution of the land says.. GEJ may not sign their death warrant now ...because of the elections but they will still die anyway...that is the rule of the game..


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