Thursday 29 January 2015


Good day Lori bloggers, My name is Christiana and I have been married for 1 year 6 months. I have a 7 months old baby and I work in one of the banks in Lagos,Nigeria.
Lately, I have been having issues with my hubby concerning house chores and am worried as I love him so much and want to keep my home. I live on the mainland and work on the island....Lekki precisely which we all know about the traffic condition in this part of Lagos.
I wake up at 4 am everyday do the arrangement and preparation for my child and leave home at 6:30am so as to resume at 7:30am which is resumption time for staff at the bank. I drop off my child at a day care center close to my office each day.
On good days I get home at about 8:30 as I leave the office at about 6:30 on very good days but most time I get home late about 9:30 ( when we balance our cash late). My hubby works at Ikeja ( on the mainland ) and leaves home at 7am as his resumption time is 8am and he is always against traffic.
Lately, he has been complaining about me not cooking dinner during week days and being tired every night. I expect him to understand cos he know we need both of us working. He gets home around 6 pm cos he closes by why cant he cook dinner and help with the house chores? He was angry and said I was not fulfilling my duties as a wife and that I am giving him the opportunity to look outside. Can you imagine that ...should I kill myself? I try...I really do! I prepare various soups and meals and put them in the it too much for him to bring out the meal and heat it up to eat???
To make matters worse, I discussed with him, that we should get an housemaid to help in the chores at home , at least this will  reduce the stress on me  but to my amazement he vehemently refused the idea of a maid....saying he will not allow a maid in the house! What does he want me to do? Resign from the job? Sit at home? or work myself to death? please advice me...cos he is really complaining and this is killing our peace and love! Help me ...what should I do? I care for my child, do the house chores( he doesn't help...always glued to the television watching  football or reading the papers) get back from work, prepare dinner late into the night and perform my marital duties....and am still not doing enough?
Please tell me what to do!!!!!


  1. just pray for God's intervention.

    1. @ohonba....she needs practical solutions!!!! What should she do ? The lord is grace is with us but what can she do? For me, she needs to talk sense in her is either he helps out with the house chores or he allows her get a maid! shikena!

  2. your hubby is just un necessarily being difficult.. he cant help to warm meals for his family... even when he gets home before them... and still wants to shine congo or work in the workshop abi...does he still say I love you at least every man says that when they want you to open the workshop for servicing or clean one or two things at the work such mode ask him to prove he really means it... he already have his eye outside... he is simply looking for an excuse... this attitude is slavery now... you seriously need to pray let the christa in your name work for you... a good house could help you a lot...well my candid advice is that... what is his price... every man has a price... work on his weak point and try to persuade him... to enable him allow you get a good house help... on his recommendation... but again it could back fire... but just pray... let him see that... very soon his once pretty loving wife could soon become aged by too much stress...the child will not be better of for it... just pray nothing prayer cannot do goodluck... his friends cold be the


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