Wednesday 28 January 2015

Tanzania's albinos hacked apart by witchdoctors !

Albinos in Tanzania are hunted down like animals and sold by their own families for £50,000: Tanzania's albinos hacked apart by witchdoctors who believe their body parts 'bring luck' in sick trade 'fuelled by the country's elite'.
Tanzania's albinos are being 'hunted down like animals' as greed for money and influence drives families to turn on their own loved ones in a trade allegedly fuelled by some of the country's most powerful people.
It is believed albino body parts will bring a person wealth, or luck - and for that, people are willing to pay as much as $3,000 or $4,000 for a limb, or as much as $75,000 - about £50,000 - for the 'full set', a whole body.People with albinism are regularly attacked by people who chop their limbs off - an act which either leaves them severely mutilated, or dead.
A few days before, 15-year-old Pendo Sengerema was attacked as she ate dinner at home with her family.

They hacked off her right arm just below the elbow, before running off into the dark.
According to Under the Same Sun, a witch doctor had received an order from a wealthy client indicating that if Pendo’s arm could be provided, it would garner a price of $600.
The attack left Pendo terrified, begging to be sent away from her village. 
'I am asking the police to move me to a safer place and protect me because bad men might come back to kill me,' she pleaded.
These 'safer places' are the centres set up around the country, where large number of people with albinism are living behind high walls for their own protection
The camps were established after the first high profile waves of attacks, a knee-jerk response to a terrifying situation. Years later, they still exist - and now are not just for children: adults are kept behind the camps' high walls as well.Children who are there, they are living there maybe for seven years without going back to their families.
(culled: mailonline)
This is so sad and should be stopped. The hunting and killing should stop! The Government should pass a law against killing of Albinos and the United Nations should intervene.

1 comment:

  1. did I hear you say government... the passage says influential people in the country are behind this devilish act... how many of the people in that country could afford $50,000 or more to buy a whole set? people can go any length to make money... lets just pray that... the evil practice does not extend to naija...God help us...


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