Tuesday 20 January 2015

Meet British Army's first transgender officer!

After serving in the battlegrounds of Afghanistan, hardened soldier Hannah Winterbourne has revealed herself as the British Army’s first transgender officer.
As a captain in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, she is the Army’s most highly ranked transgender soldier and the only one to become an officer.
The 27-year-old was born a boy and spent her first few years in the Army as a man, before deciding to undergo a sex-change operation while on a tour of duty at Camp Bastion.
She said sharing a tent in the desert with seven men ‘living on top of each other’ made her realise how little time she spent being herself.
‘In Afghanistan I was living an act, I was acting for everyone around me,’ she said. 
‘There was no let-up where I could stop the act. Previously, I relished my own time where I could be honest with myself.
‘In Afghanistan I couldn’t do that so that was a nudge which eventually ended up with me coming out and changing myself and my way of life.
Captain Winterbourne said her parents had been ‘tremendously supportive’ and added: ‘They found it difficult.
'I don’t think any parent wouldn’t find it difficult. They were worried for me, worried I wouldn’t be able to live a normal life. But now they have seen me come through the process they are proud.’
She had feared her decision to become a woman might end her Army career, but said she discovered it has had an employment policy for transgender men and women since 1999. 

‘Despite being perceived as a very masculine old school organisation, the army is actually very forward thinking’, she added. 
(culled: mailonline)

1 comment:

  1. HE still looks like a man. Just a beautiful looking man.


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