Wednesday 19 November 2014


                         COMMON MISTAKES

I was gisting with a friend, one thing led to another and she asked if she could relate a matter to me if I could advise her and I said why not. It would be an honour to be of help. She said a friend of hers called her to seek advice on an issue so I listened patiently to her narration, thus the story unfolds.
My friend told me what happened to a friend of hers; let’s give her the name Kinks. Kinks made a mistake every other girl has made at some point or the other.
A male colleague of kinks asked her out and told her point blank he had a girlfriend he had no intention of leaving but he was sure he had feelings for her. He started chatting her up on BBM talking marriage like he was serious then he called her up one day saying he wanted to visit her at her Uncle’s place to which she naively agreed. On the said day she called her uncle who had gone out to come home, he met the guy and after a while went out thereby leaving them at home. Kinks went to the kitchen to cook, minutes later he followed suite and they had sex. Kinks brainwashed herself to think the guy loved her because they had sex and he actually could not have had sex with her if he indeed had a girlfriend.
Ladies, a guy doesn’t need to be in love with you to want sex from you; he is moved by what he sees. If he wants to hit that he will definitely hit that. Kinks had made the mistake of sleeping with an office colleague then she made it worse by bombarding his phones with calls and sms. I tell young ladies when you make the mistake of sleeping with a guy do not give him the pleasure of calling him immediately after the first seven days you guys had sex because those days will go a long way to determine what happens next. After the sex do not call him if possible do not even save his number and when he calls you could act like you do not even know him. This will make him not see you as a pest or as being needy.
When a guy tells you he has someone, take a walk most especially when he says he is not ready to leave her for you. Some girls make the mistake of hanging around and dreaming he will choose her over his girlfriend. What you do not get , is that the  lady has left her memories imprinted on his heart and mind also she has been given enough time to prove herself to him and it will only take divine intervention and destiny to tear them apart( truth be told).
Kinks upon regretting her action called up the guy and hinted him of her decision to resign saying she could not handle how the guy shunned her and the shame she felt which I termed a no-no. Agreed she had not played her game rightly but instead of doing that she should have gone for a makeover; wear something kill-it(nice) and some killer heels also get a guy who is more classy than the colleague of hers to pick her from the office for a date so the guy knows he may have brought her down but she is not yet out also she can move on without being a nervous wreck.
For young ladies out there be focused, say no to pre-marital sex and only give yourself to a deserving man. Never make the mistake of convincing yourself that a man loves you; it his duty to convince you he loves you.
Written by Seun Olayisade
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