Friday 20 February 2015

Police arrest road rage suspect that killed a woman that fed him.

A suspected gang-member was given money, fed and consoled by the mother-of-four he allegedly shot dead following an act of road rage in Las Vegas last week, her husband has claimed. 
In a bizarre twist it has been revealed Erich Nowsch, 19, who was apprehended during a tense standoff with police on Thursday, actually knew victim Tammy Meyers, 44, and her family, lived a block away and may even have attended the same school as her son Brandon. 
Image result for tammy meyers
Her husband Robert, who claims police told him to keep his family's relationship with the suspect a secret, described how his wife had consoled Nowsch, would tell him to pull his pants up around the neighborhood and tried to teach him how to be a man.
The 49-year-old, who called Nowsch an 'animal' when his house was surrounded by law enforcement, said they knew he was a bad kid, but 'not this bad'.
The revelation comes just seven days after Mrs Meyers was shot in the head as she made her way home with her 15-year-old daughter, who she was teaching to drive.
Since then an extraordinary set of events have unraveled which have turned what initially seemed like a cold-blooded road-rage murder, to an act of self-defense to a feud between acquaintances. 
(culled: mailonline)
So so sad!!!! Biting the hand that fed you or rather murdering the person that fed you. May her soul rest in peace and may he be punished for the crime he committed if found guilty.

1 comment:

  1. I understand it hurts, however forgiving someone and letting go is not just for the party that wronged you but is also for yourself because it will help lessen the burden of grief. However I'm not asking you to remain married to her if you cant stand her infidelity, that is a good ground for divorce. All im saying is that hold no grudge against her.


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