Wednesday 18 February 2015


Image result for heartbroken black woman   Valentine's day is a special day, a day for love, to celebrate our loved ones and appreciate each other.
Everywhere in the world , people celebrate that day but for is the day I lost my heart, my love, my fiancé.
Hmnnn, my name is Tina and I have been in a relationship for 4 years...we both love each other (or so I believed) until this year's valentine when he left my in the cold, broke my heart into thousands of piece.
That fateful valentine's day ...after preparing a surprise with the help of my friend...I wanted to give my fiancé a wonderful surprise, bought a bottle of champagne, a teddy ( sexy clothing) I then let my self into his house with the key he gave me only to find the house decorated with rose petals on the in the chilling bucket, romantic music from the stereo. I was surprised and I thought my fiancé prepared the place for me....but he didn't call me. So I good spirit , I happily laid on the bed waiting for him only for me to get the shocker of my life...a lady ( far prettier than I am) walked into the room with my fiancé blindfolded and came to an abrupt stop on seeing me in the bedroom. The lady was dressed sexily and without being told....she was dating my fiancé. I looked to my fiancé for an explanation and he opened his mouth to ask me what I was doing in his house( for the records...we didn't quarrel or have a prior misunderstanding) we even spoke in the morning lovingly. The other lady asked for an explanation and my fiancé introduced me as his EX who is trying to get him back.Whattttt!!!!! I lost all my cool and was furious ....he shouted at him cos he has been playing me for a fool. How could he???? Me his EX?? I got so angry that I slapped him and walked out. Now I am calmer and he hasn't called me back ...its been almost a week and he has not tried contacting me. What do I do now? Should I just move on...but 5 years of my life wasted? Just like that and nothing to show for it except for heartbreak. The most painful part is that I didn't do anything I was just pushed aside...that hurts!!!!! Please advice me do I get my fiancé back????

1 comment:

  1. your fiancé does not love or give a dame about you. he has not called to apologized or even ask about your welfare. please just forget about him and move on. God will give you someone that will love and appreciate you. usi


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