Tuesday 7 April 2015

My husband wants a second wife!

Image result for cartoon of tearful woman
Dear bloggers,
My name is Ana and I have been married for 15 years to a man I love so much. We have our differences as every normal couple would. We have 3 lovely kids . My husband is a very nice and loving man who is very playful and we have not had any major quarrel or disagreement until last month when he summoned me to our bedroom and informed me to my utter dismay that he is about to marry a second wife? At first I thought he was joking in his usual playful way and I laughed. Only for him to say he meant it. He further elaborated that he has been seeing the woman for a long time and he wants to marry her into our HOME!!!! Can you believe that? Just like that? How come? I never suspected that he was cheating? Our home was beautiful and amiable. Why this? I asked him if I had done anything wrong and he said no that he still loves me and will not change but he needs a second wife!
I went to his mother whom we are very close and to my surprise she was aware and even about to travel to the lady's village to perform all the traditional rite. Right now, I am confused , pained ! What do I do to stop this? Who can I tell about this? Should I leave my home? I cant do that because that wont be fair to me...a home we built together , what about my kids? Please I need real advise on what to do.....Please help me!!!!!


  1. you cant do anything short of praying and fasting and that might not yield a result as fast as you want .i think you need to take heart and be strong. apparently, eventhough you thought all was well with the marriage, something went wrong along the line as your husband didn't share the same idea if not he wouldn't have said he 'needed' a wife.

  2. Well lady, its so unfair...but what can you do? You just have to endure and stay in your house. Marriage is for better or worse...this is the worst to bear it. Remember you have kids for him and you love him. And don't forget to pray....keep an open mind.

  3. gho i will personally not marry a second wife....it has happened and it has happened there is nothing you could about it right now... it might not be you offended him in any way.. some men are like that... he may still love you as he claims...my husband marrying a second wife is a mind thing... you need not quit your matrimonial home just because your hussy married a second wife... large per cent age of us are from polygamous and our mothers coexisted... yes some mates could be devilish... like some of us experienced... but it still has its advantages...my candid advise is don't quit...don't fight...don't blame any body or see anyone as your enemy... but just trust God and pray for the well being of your husband, our household and your children...i am a product of polygamous home... at a point it was bad... attacks. denials... conspiracy etc...but at the end God pass them and I came out strong and cool... prayer and faith in God is what you really need...by biblical interpretation you own the husband...don't be the foolish woman who will abandon her home for another woman...accept it and move on... be hard working and i know that at the end of time you will be glad you were wise to have trusted God...goodluck

  4. hmmmmm.let him marry .focus on ur kids nd your wellbeing/career/business...but let him get the new wife her own aprtment with her own stuff for you guys(husband,wives and children) to live long.........my opinion!


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