Tuesday 14 April 2015

Confused: I am in love with my boss

Image result for black female professional cartoonI am Josephine and I work in one of the blue-chip companies in Nigeria. I have been working for the past 3 years and I have a new boss and the unfortunate thing is that I am in love with him!
I met him in an elavtor going up our floor not knowing that he was the expected new boss...we started talking , exchanged numbers and chatted till we alighted at the same floor. I got to know that he was my boss and since I don't work directly or rather report to my boss...we didn't see each other. But he was on my whatzapp and he commented on one of pictures and we started chatting. We talked as contemporary...about our selves and we got to like ourselves. he invited me out for lunch but out of fear for people seeing us or the gossip mongers talking about us ..I declined and opted for dinner instead. It became a regular thing for us and we started dating and by the way he is single. Now I am in love with him and I have justed been moved to work directly with him ...and I am confused...how do I act with him? I heard that he is hard on his staff and does not patronize them. How do I behave seeing him in the day and sleeping over in his house at night. I cant imagine him scolding me or reproaching me in the office and then kissing me with that same mouth at night. I don't think I can coupe with that. I cant quit my job because I really need the money and this is my career. I have to call him MR and treat him like my boss while at night I play with him...wont I make a mistake I call him by the pet name I gave him...wont I want to kiss him while in the office?How do I handle this, how do I separate my personal life and professional life . Please I need your advice.

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