Wednesday 27 May 2015

IVY LEAGUE DRAMA: A recent graduaute commits sucide after stabing fellow student

According to mail online ....A recent Yale University graduate committed suicide by jumping from the ninth floor of an off-campus apartment building just moments after stabbing a fellow student early Tuesday morning.
New Haven police say it happened around 5.30am at Taft Apartments on College Street, located across from the Ivy League campus.
The suspect, identified by Yale Daily News as Tyler Carlisle, fell six stories onto a third-floor terrace. He was pronounced dead at the scene. 
The man Carlisle was believed to have stabbed, 21-year-old Alexander Michaud, is in stable condition at Yale-New Haven Hospital. 
According to a statement put out by Yale University in the wake of the deadly incident, Tyler Carlisle graduated from college last week.
Alexander Michaud, Yale class 2017, was a member of the comedy and a capella group Mixed Company of Yale.
According to the Yale Daily News, both Michaud and Carlisle were active members of the Party of the Right, a constituent party of the Yale Political Union.
So sad....what could have happened to him to stab someone and then kill himself. Such a sad loss of life. Rest in peace!

1 comment:

  1. what are they teaching them.. even in ivy league schools... where else is the best place to learn..


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