Thursday 28 May 2015


Image result for SEX MANIAC My name is tunde and I have been married for 9 months now. I married the love of my life and I expected life to be sweet. Well, life now is too sweet because my wife loves sex to much! We didn't really have a long relationship while courting but we have been friends for a long time and we just had sex a couple of times before we got married so I didn't know she loves it so much that she always wants to have sex everywhere and everyday!
I know that a lot of men will be happy and wonder why I am complaining about my wife loving sex.....but how can you explain if she wants sex every time we are together. I make love to her every night ...even when she is on her period...(which by the way I don't like) she insists that she can wash of the blood and we still do it. During the weekends...she wakes me up for sex and immediately after breakfast she wants another round, and she goes on and on..foreplays, caresses, oral and so on. I need to rest, talk to her, watch  football enjoy some form of peace with her silently. I dread coming to the house because I know that once I get in, she will be waiting for the marathon of sex. The issue now is that I will be travelling soon and I don't think she will be able to stay without sex. My mind is telling me that she will cheat on me....because someone can not like sex like she does and be able to stay without it for 2 months!!! I believe she is an addict...I have talked to her but she says she is just so in love with me. I have been praying that she gets pregnant so that I can rest but am afraid that our rigorous marathon sex will even prevent her getting pregnant because it is too much.
What do I do about a sex addict I have as a wife!!! Please help me before I lose my mind or grow so thin and fall ill.

NACA: 160,000 Nigerian Adolescents HIV Positive

Image result for hiv aidsA report presented by Ms Victoria Isiramen of the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA), has revealed that about 160,000 Nigerian adolescents are infected with the HIV virus while 11,000 have died from the epidemic.
Making a presentation entitled, “All In! Ending The Epidemic Among Adolescents,” at a workshop on Making Media and People Living With HIV Champions of the Ambitious 90-90-90 Target by 2020, yesterday in Abuja, she said adolescents contribute 70 per cent of AIDS deaths globally, while in Nigeria, adolescents contribute 8 per cent of HIV deaths.
She noted that there are 80 per cent of new infections among adolescents globally, and that HIV is now the second largest contributor to adolescent mortality globally and number one in Africa.
Isiramen noted, “Adolescents are the ones to work with in any new programme, including stemming the tide of HIV infection in Nigeria.”
She added that the workshop was a fast-tracked HIV response to adolescents. Meanwhile, the UNAIDS country director for Nigeria, Dr Bilali Camara, has said that $1.2billion is needed to adequately fund Nigeria’s HIV/AIDS response.
He said that funds allocated for HIV/AIDS are not enough to stop the spread and treat persons living with the virus, adding that this would delay its goal to ensure an HIV/AIDS-free generation.
He disclosed that only half of the $1.2billon required has been made available, with the Nigerian government contributing only 25% of the fund instead of 50%.
Waoh, that a high number.....we all must fight this deadly disease. Say NO to casual sex, unprotected sex....abstinence is the key!!! 

FIFA IN CRISIS: Sepp Blatter faces calls to resign!

Embattled Fifa president Sepp Blatter is facing renewed calls to step down, as key sponsors demanded the football governing body clean up its act following the arrests of nine current and former officials on charges of corruption.
US prosecutors issued an indictment on Wednesday accusing the senior officials, along with five sports media and promotions executives, of bribes involving more than $150m over 24 years.
The accusations sent shockwaves through the football world with many questioning whether Fifa could continue in its current form.
Blatter is seeking a fifth, four-year term this week in the election for president of the organisation.
But Greg Dyke, the chairman of the English Football Association, said that the 79-year-old should leave his job immediately.
“Blatter has put out a statement saying now is the time to start rebuilding the trust in Fifa – there is no way of re-building trust in Fifa while Sepp Blatter is still there,” Dyke said.
“Sepp Blatter has to go. He either has to go through a resignation, or he has to be out-voted or we have to find a third way.
(culled: the guardian)
Hmmm what do you think would happen? Do you think he will honorably resign? Remember he loves this position! What is the way forward for FIFA?

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