Monday 22 June 2015

Psycho Nigerian who killed his mom is sentenced to life imprisonment!!!

A cross-dressing Psycho-style killer who killed his mother in a frenzied attack has been jailed for life.
Emmanuel Kalejaiye, 22, stabbed his mother, Tolu Kalejaiya, more than 40 times at their home in Wickford, Essex, in September 2013.
He then dressed up in a women's tracksuit to try and fool neighours into thinking she was still alive, the court heard. The prosecution alleged Kalejaiye had planned to commit the 'perfect murder' by killing the 44-year-old before dressing up as her to allow himself precious time to dispose of her body. A jury found the Essex University student not guilty of murder, but guilty of manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility, due to mental health issues after a trial in April last year.

He has since been in a secure hospital for psychiatric assessment to decide whether his mental condition rendered him a danger to the public. 
On Friday, the case returned to court, and he was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 15 years and three months. Judge Christopher Ball QC said: 'This was an horrific killing. You drew up plans to kill her, over weeks, if not months, and to dispose of the body.'
The judge added that mental illness played a part in the killing and said Kalejaiye would receive treatment in jail. During the trial at Chelmsford Crown Court, the jury heard Kalejaiye had written out a detailed plan including notes on how to walk in high heels and had receipts for pink Primark women's clothing.
(culled: mailonline)So sad!!! What a waste of life!!!

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