Friday 12 June 2015

Nigerian Child bride freed by authorities looks to new beginnings

An uncertain future but a bright one, a free one without the shackles awaits 15 year-old Wasila Tasi’u after she is acquitted of murdering her 35 year-old husband.
A teenage girl threatened with the death penalty for murdering her 35-year-old husband in Nigeria, faces an uncertain future after being released from prison.
15 year-old Wasila Tasi’u was accused of killing Umar Sani and three other men with rat poison shortly after they were married. She has spent the last 10 months locked up as her case dragged on, held up by judicial staff strike action and administrative delays. Tasi’u’s lawyer, Hussaina Ibrahim from the International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA), said her client has no hope of returning home, such was the publicity garnered by the case.With Ibrahim’s help, a foundation has taken on Tasi’u’s case and the hard work of returning her to normal life. The Isa Wali Empowerment Initiative which aims to get young girls into education, will support Tasi’u in the months to come. She will live with a foster family, for the foreseeable future.
Thank God she has been freed! Good job by her lawyers and the foundation for helping out. The furure is bright for her. Please parents...don't give out your kids in married at an early age. Train them, send them to school, make them independent before they can make their choice of their own life partner.

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