Friday 13 March 2015

ISIS leader purportedly accepts Boko Haram's pledge of allegiance

Image result for boko haramAccording to CNN - In an audio message purportedly from an ISIS spokesman, the group announced that a pledge of allegiance from Nigerian-based Boko Haram has been accepted by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
The 28-minute message, which cannot be independently authenticated by CNN, was posted online by ISIS supporters.
The message says that the caliphate, or Islamic State, has expanded to western Africa and congratulated "our jihadi brothers" there.
The spokesman, Abu Mohammed al Adnani, encourages people to join fighters in Africa if they cannot make it to Iraq or Syria.
Boko Haram's leader, Abubakar Shekau, announced in an audio message last week that the Islamist terror group was going to ally with ISIS.
Jacob Zenn, a terror expert who lives in Nigeria, told CNN on Saturday the alliance would make sense for both groups.
"Boko Haram will get legitimacy, which will help its recruiting, funding and logistics as it expands," Zenn said. "It will also get guidance from ISIS in media warfare and propaganda. Previously Boko Haram was a sort of outcast in the global Jihadi community. Now it is perhaps ISIS's biggest affiliate.
"ISIS gets more international legitimacy as a global caliphate."
This is so not good! Lord please help us, protect us!!!

1 comment:

  1. there is only one God... the same God how have been giving our soldiers victory over boko haram...will also give us victory over ISIS. (prov 11:21) though, they join hand in hand the wicked shall not go unpunished... God pass them all combined...


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