Tuesday 17 March 2015

Has the access to the Internet increased imorality, crime ? Yes or no?

Hmm, lori bloggers...there is an issue that was a discussion at my office today and as you all know...I tend to discuss day to day activities or issues of life, where we all  can learn or benefit ,
share our thought.Image result for internetImage result for internet
Now boiling on the minds of some person.... the advent or discovery or the age of technology...has it increased sin ( immorality, dishonesty ) or not, Has it been all good...increase social growth, economical development etc.
Image result for internet
Remember...we are not discussing religion ...we are discussing the effects of technology!!!
Share your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. it depends on what angle one is viewing it... from the business stand view..it has helped in promoting efficiency in business ... Bank (ledger), email (mail by post), ATM Card (long queue in banking halls) Medical diagnostic machines (try and error medical lab test)...mobile phone (analog)... internet library...easy access to information... the list is endless... internet fraud, irrational comments under the cover of internet...the access to the internet had really helped a lot...the goodies out numbered the ills.... the real challenge is not the internet it self but what you do with it...


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