Monday 31 August 2015

Kanye West to run for US Prseidency in 2020.

Kanye West took the MTV Video Music Awards hostage for a full 12 minutes after receiving this year's Video Vanguard life-achievement award. In another nod to a feud involving Taylor Swift (the night already had this one and then this oneinvolving Nicki Minaj), the singer presented the award to West. Six years ago, West rushed the stage and interrupted Swift's acceptance speech for best female video because he wasn't happy about her win over Beyoncé Listen to the kids, bro," West said as part of his diatribe.
He also pointed out how the media stokes feuds between artists. He even called out MTV.
"Do you know how many times they announced that Taylor was going to give me that award 'cuz it got them more ratings?" he said. He went on to question the very idea of award shows.
"I don't understand how they get five people who work their entire life [to] sell records, sell concert tickets, to come stand on a carpet and for the first time in their life be judged on a chopping block and have the opportunity to be considered a loser."
He ended his speech with: "And, yes, as you probably could have guessed in this moment, I have decided in 2020 to run for president.
(culled:business insider)
Well, what a surprise. Now Donald Trump has a competitor. . What do you say. Kanye for President?



  1. Do you really think the whitehead Americans will make the same mistake to allow a black skinned man to be the president of America again... Barrack had done well and achieved successes in Iran, Iraq, Bin Laden etc... the whitehead Americans see the white house as a house occupied by only white people not a black man...after all its not a black house but white their thinking... I wish Kayne well... at least lets prove that black skins are as good as the white skin...

    1. Don't dished black man like that... Who would have thought Obama will be a president?

  2. Is he joking? Imagine seeing posters of kanye everywhere as president. He' s got to be joking!!!!

  3. Don't criticize could be surprised. I tell you. Never say never.


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