Wednesday 26 August 2015

Last known Sierra Leone's Ebola patient released from Hospital!!!

Sierra Leone's last known Ebola patient has been released from hospital, raising hopes the west African nation may finally have beaten the devastating epidemic.
President Ernest Bai Koroma hailed "the beginning of the end of Ebola in Sierra Leone" pn Tuesday as Adama Sankoh, 34, was released from hospital in Makeni, the country's third-largest city, in a festive ceremony. "The Ebola fight is not yet over - go and tell members of your community that," the president said when presenting the certificate to the woman. "Go back to your community and continue to live life as you used to."
Sankoh, whose 23-year-old son contracted Ebola in the capital, Freetown, before traveling to his home village, thanked everyone who provided her with care during her illness.
She also vowed to be the last person infected in Sierra Leone with the virus.
"Although my child died of Ebola I am very happy that I have survived today," she said, upon leaving the Ebola treatment centre in Mateneh village, on the outskirts of Makeni, the president's hometown.
Sankoh said she would "from now on be the number one messenger to sensitise people that although Ebola is on the run, vigilance should be the watchword.
(culled: aljazeera)
Thank God for healing!!! At last Sierra Leone is free. We pray that the ugly head of ebola does not show its head again in Africa and the world at large.


  1. Good news. Finally Ebola is leaving Africa!!!

  2. If its a prayer.. Amen... I hope it will indeed be the last case.


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