Friday 14 July 2017

The Love for my JOB........

Dear Lori's Blog, 1 am Chidinima and i grew up in abject poverty but with a mum who made us believe we could achieve everything we set our minds on. We were poor but we spoke like rich kids, knew the things that were way beyond our reach but we imagined everything and this drove us to work hard to actualize the dreams we had.
I went through school being the best...there was no way i would settle for second. I graduated with honors in accounting, got chartered while waiting for the mandatory service to my country. My mum worked so hard to ensure i stay in school and my only job was to read and ensure i make the best grades which i did.
I made up my mind early not to be poor or be associated with poverty, or allow poverty close by. The plan was ; get a good job and be comfortable, help my mum train my siblings in school.
I got a job at a very prestigious organization at the age of 24 straight out of school( a part of my dream was unfolding) and i focused on the job , i intend to climb the professional ladder. There was no time for relationship or romance. I worked tirelessly and i rose in the ranks. 
After 9 years of working and making middle management with all its rewarding benefits, i am faced with issues.....a partner of the firm who has so much influence in the organization wants me to open my legs for him, as in he wants to have sex with me.
I am in a dilemma, should i resign and start job hunting from square one as not many organizations will pay me what i am currently earning here and once i am 10 years i am looking at making associate partner. Should i let 9 years of my life go down the drain just because of sex. 
My refusal may end up casting me my job as i could be sacked which will make my job hunting more difficult.
The partner in question is married and has stylishly over time be giving me glances until 3 months during a briefing for a multinational company audit, he told me out-rightly that he wants to sample my goodies.I was shocked. I blatantly said No but he smiled and told me the harm he could cause me and how it would affect my overall career. 
I have been sending out my CV for jobs but i haven't gotten any response for an interview and i am running out of time. Just last week i got a query for an audit i am handling with him and after my response in my defense to him, he said it was the first strike and more will follow.
Should i wait for him to sack me or resign and go home knowing that the job is not there or agree to him.......Please help me. I seriously need your head.

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